Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What do I do next???

I know, I know that I have not posted in a while. I have been having a crisis of sorts. My life is so busy right now and I am being pulled in so many different directions that work on my project has come to a stand still. I am actually not enrolled in my project course until spring, but I need to be making progress on it in order to complete this course. I have even considered taking next semester off. I am going to post over the next few days, and hopefully get myself motivated to tackle my project again, words of encouragement would be appreciated.


Fergusons said...

You can do it!!! I think we are feeling tapped out at this point. I can't even look into the future, I have to take each day as it comes. Like I said on the other Sarah's blog, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

LothLorien Stewart said...

It really is a reasonable goal. I understand how overwhelming it can feel. I'm trying to buy my house (without real estate agents or title companies or banks-which really just means more leg work), finish my third chapter for my ARP, complete the 2nd year of my BTSA program (yuck!), and do my job to perfection (not possible by the way). I'm overwhelmed too but it's possible. You can do it all, and when its done think how great you will feel!

Shawna said...

Like Falhon said, I think we may be running low on steam. We pushed oursleves hard to do a good job at the beginning to understand the material and goals of the program. One year later we are smarter for it but exhausted when it has come time for us to really shine. You and I are both graduating in Spring -- should we at least start something? Make an initial stab? If we don't, our final presentation is going to look a little bare.

Sandra Seals said...

I know it's hard, but keep pushing yourself toward your computer. I totally can identify with your present feelings, but find that I have to force myself to sit at the computer, but once I do, I find the words to type. I just keep reminding myself.....December....December...December. Hang in there. If you need anything, just let me know. We only teach a few miles away from each other.

Ismael said...

From the Good Book:
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair,;persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed...
2 Corinthians 4:9
Hang in there. A friend of mine told me that she once asked her father if he could see the end of the tunnel (because he was coming out of some kind of hardship)? He replied that he could in fact see the light, but that he sure as hell hated to be in the tunnel!!! Soon we'll be completely out of the tunnel and in the full radiance of the sun! Yeah, Baby, Yeah!!! Hang in there!